Sunday 20 November 2011

EguabsInspired: Inexplicable! Part 1

My intention was to peep and see what Emeka looked like now after several weeks of our separation and i guess he most have known i will do just that. Our eyes locked for a moment and i quickly withdrew myself from the window,clutching my stomach with one hand because i felt sick all of a sudden! My head felt heavy and my legs couldn't carry my weight anymore although i weighed no more than a feather now. How on earth did we get to this point? Jesus! The look in his eyes told me this was just the beginning. How did I miss this? Was I too busy or just plain blind to all he was doing behind my back? To think that I fell for his games and lies all seem like a mystery! I heard the car door slam shut,engine revving and the car speed away. I sat heavily on my bed and wept! I wept like I had never wept in my whole life. Even when dad passed away I don’t think I cried this way! It was good for Nneka my cousin to be around because I knew I was ready to hang myself!
Nneka walked in with a hot cup of freshly made coffee and it soothed my insides perfectly.
“Ndo”she said to me and I merely nodded because I couldn’t speak. I could see Nneka had a lot of questions she wanted to ask me but she could see I was already broken and didn’t want to push me.
“How are your kids?” I managed to ask because the silence was too heavy. She pretending not to see me and I pretending she wasn’t there.
“They are fine. Anyi kele Chukwu” I could see my silence had given her courage to ask me what happened, so I got ready and got my ass together no matter how hard or how it hurts I had to let it out.
“O gini mere Chinwe?” I sighed and thought to myself, here it comes.
“Nneka nothing has happened but the only thing I can say is that o gburo m ebgu, o mee ka m malu ife” I propped up another pillow and put it behind my back. Just then my mum walked in, looked me over and said to Nneka; “ gwakwa ya o hmmmmm” Nneka just nodded and my mom closed the door behind her , I could see my mom was tired from crying and I was really sorry I had caused her so much pain. I quickly put that thought aside to avoid hurting more.
“As I was saying my sister, if I knew about all this before I accepted to marry him do you think we would be sitting here?” Nneka wasn’t still getting the picture.
“Hmmmmmm o dikata njo my dear. Emeka was the Mr right I thought i prayed for and to an extent he was until i found out this mess! I can’t even bring myself to talk about it because it’s such a taboo! A sacrilege! An abomination!” I broke down in tears again and Nneka cuddled me. I prayed the ground would open and swallow me but it didn’t!