Sunday 20 November 2011

EguabsInspired: Inexplicable! Part 1

My intention was to peep and see what Emeka looked like now after several weeks of our separation and i guess he most have known i will do just that. Our eyes locked for a moment and i quickly withdrew myself from the window,clutching my stomach with one hand because i felt sick all of a sudden! My head felt heavy and my legs couldn't carry my weight anymore although i weighed no more than a feather now. How on earth did we get to this point? Jesus! The look in his eyes told me this was just the beginning. How did I miss this? Was I too busy or just plain blind to all he was doing behind my back? To think that I fell for his games and lies all seem like a mystery! I heard the car door slam shut,engine revving and the car speed away. I sat heavily on my bed and wept! I wept like I had never wept in my whole life. Even when dad passed away I don’t think I cried this way! It was good for Nneka my cousin to be around because I knew I was ready to hang myself!
Nneka walked in with a hot cup of freshly made coffee and it soothed my insides perfectly.
“Ndo”she said to me and I merely nodded because I couldn’t speak. I could see Nneka had a lot of questions she wanted to ask me but she could see I was already broken and didn’t want to push me.
“How are your kids?” I managed to ask because the silence was too heavy. She pretending not to see me and I pretending she wasn’t there.
“They are fine. Anyi kele Chukwu” I could see my silence had given her courage to ask me what happened, so I got ready and got my ass together no matter how hard or how it hurts I had to let it out.
“O gini mere Chinwe?” I sighed and thought to myself, here it comes.
“Nneka nothing has happened but the only thing I can say is that o gburo m ebgu, o mee ka m malu ife” I propped up another pillow and put it behind my back. Just then my mum walked in, looked me over and said to Nneka; “ gwakwa ya o hmmmmm” Nneka just nodded and my mom closed the door behind her , I could see my mom was tired from crying and I was really sorry I had caused her so much pain. I quickly put that thought aside to avoid hurting more.
“As I was saying my sister, if I knew about all this before I accepted to marry him do you think we would be sitting here?” Nneka wasn’t still getting the picture.
“Hmmmmmm o dikata njo my dear. Emeka was the Mr right I thought i prayed for and to an extent he was until i found out this mess! I can’t even bring myself to talk about it because it’s such a taboo! A sacrilege! An abomination!” I broke down in tears again and Nneka cuddled me. I prayed the ground would open and swallow me but it didn’t!

Thursday 13 October 2011

EguabsInspired!»Blackberry Broadcast Messages!

Hi peeps!Wow! This has been in the pipeline for sometime now. I was pondering if i should talk about this or just ignore and push down the lump growing inside my throat but i decided to just say something about people who have nothing else to do on their Blackberry phones but send dumb broadcast messages! Jeez! For crying out loud we just came out from the annoying broadcast of Chidinma(can anybody remember that story?)You know....about the girl who was assumed to be dying in a hospital and confessed to collecting huge sums of money from men for sex and after she was through,she chewed and swallowed the sim cards of these men?....hello ooo;i know you guys remember sha. Anyway i was so upset with that message. I got it like a hundred times that day. It was so annoying!!! Just when i was about to let my anger slide,people came up with the date scam! They said nobody should pick calls from a certain number(110911) and that 8 people have been reported dead already! I was sceptical and dint even bother myself! I got that message so many times to the extent i had to switch my phone to silent mood! Na wetin o, Nigerians!!! To top up the day my mum called me from another state o! That
there was a number going round and if you received a call from the number,you die! Hahahahahahahahaha it was so hilarious but i couldn't laugh least she felt i didn't take her serious or she sees me as disrespectful! I told her i already heard and thanked her! My hubby and i had a good laugh that night!Jeez! I was like;even my mum called???? What on earth is happening? It was just that days date and nothing more!someone somewhere(stupid but smart)pulled a stunt on us all and we took it with a pinch of salt;line,hook and sinker!ℓ☺ℓ...anyway,i called my mum some days later to tell her what it was all about and she had a good laugh!
That been said,i turned my phone on this lovely morning(i always turn it off because i still find it hard to believe people still make midnight calls! Calls during the day are so cheap now and almost free and yet...puleeeeeeezzzzzeeee*sigh*like i was saying before i was interrupted by that thought;(eyes rolling)i turned on my phone and whoops,what did i see?BBM was working and people where already sending dumb and annoying broadcast messages to tell me to broadcast a certain message so my blackberry can work again! I can't recap the messages but believe me it was annoying,irritating,disgusting to see literate people doing this!
Don't people have a browser on their phone? why not google informations before passing it on? Go online and check if the message you got is true before telling 100 other people! RIM had issues and that's why the service was down and it was resolved that's why it came back on! Simple!People please learn to confirm infos before broadcast please!
Another annoying one is changing status messages to RIP when the person in context ain't dead at all and alive! For example Beyonce Knowles,Nelson Mandela! People killed them with their Blackberry!
Abeg make una confirm things before spreading o!
Its no shock to me that RIM had issues because 9ja alone can crash them with their trouble!
Please let us learn to always verify informations before talking about it or broadcasting it on BB!
*Whew*its off my chest now at least and i hope we have learnt a few things from this post! So,see you all soon! It might be later today,tomorrow morning or even midnight! So stay put and remain blessed!